ISU SSP18 TP Climate - impressions from a co-chair

During the summer of 2018, I had the privilege and honour to co-chair a Team Project (TP) at the Space Studies Programme (SSP) of the International Space University (ISU). I went myself to ISU SSP 1998 hosted by NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland Ohio and had a blast. Tried two times to get the Netherlands make an SSP host-bid to ISU, but under the leadership of Tanja Masson-Zwaan, Gerard Blaauw and Remco Timmermans, three times was a charm! ISU SSP 2018 landed safely and well in the province of Zuid Holland in the Netherlands and started with a wonderfull opening ceremony at ESTEC on June 25, 2018. This initiated the Sizzling Summer of Space that encompassed a large number of outreach activities for the general public. For example, the LEGO Moon City project that I was also involved in the summer of 2018.
As co-chair of the TP Climate, I was responsible for facilitating a wonderfull group of 33 space professionals from all over the globe, to indulge themselves into the full topic and scope of the TP Climate: Space Aided Climate Change Adaptation: Air Quality and Floods. Our TP was sponsored by Airbus and the Netherlands Space Office NSO. Together with our team of co-chair Daniel Yarnoz, associate chair Irina Thaler and Teaching Assistent (TA) Siobhan O'Neill, we set-up an exciting programme for the students. Below are some impressions from our TP activities and some of the more general SSP18 activities I was involved in.

August 24, 2018: The Closing ceremony
An energetic closing ceremony was held at the Academie gebouw of Leiden University. A farewell to all the participants, now ISU alumni, and to all ISU staff people. A big thanks also to the Local Organizing Committee under the leadership of Gerard Blaauw. Below is a great video that summarizes the ISU SSP18 experience! International Space University is just the most unique entry into the global space community. For all that seek a place in it, you are welcome! On to Strasbourg for SSP19!

August 23, 2018: The Final Presentations
A full day of final presentations for the four Team Projects was the ultimate and last achievement of the participants. Our TP Climate was first to show of and did a wonderfull theatrical performance with great balance between content and entertainment. Literally, each and every TP Climate student had a role. Tough questions were thrown at them but they countered very professionally, showing of the deep content level they have reached in such short time. The event was casted live but unfortunately the sound was a bit bad. The TP Climate presentation can be seen in below YouTube video from 13:02 to 1:25:30.

August 21, 2018: The final report is delivered!
Congratulations to the whole team!

Final bits and pieces are integrated by TP Climate teammembers Caley Burke and Joanna Ruiter into the Final Report under the watchfull eye of my co-chair Daniel Yarnoz

The Final Report from the TP Climate can be downloaded here or through the ISU Library

August 20, 2018: Celebrating the successfull delivery of the final version of the Executive Summary

The Executive Summary Editinng team (Kelly Mulvay, Ciara Deering, Pascal Kringe) are applauded for their work

The Executive Summary for the TP Climate can be downloaded here (6.2 MB) or through the ISU Library

August 18, 2018: Wine & Cheese to celebrate the delivery of draft documents to the reviewers

The hardworking ISU SSP18 TP Climate students enjoy some good wines and cheeses to celebrate the successfull delivery of draft documents to the reviewers

The hardworking ISU SSP18 TP Climate students enjoy some good wines and cheeses to celebrate the successfull delivery of draft documents to the reviewers

July 31, 2018: Interplanetary Abundance workshop at ESTEC

Taking the ISU SSP18 students on a Space trip to the future through the Space resources trading game Interplanetary Abundance

July 27, 2018: Climate Change Initiative (CCI) workshop at ESTEC

In the bus from Delft to ESTEC with the TP Climate participants and CCI Toolbox trainers

Hands-on experience with CATE, the CCI toolbox, under the guidance of Ed PECHORRO (ESA UK), Paul FISHER (ESA UK), Prosper Isaac Kwame EVADZI (Brockmann Consult), Janis GAILIS (S[&]T CORP) and Frank PAUL (Univ. of Zurich)

July 20, 2018: Climate action & Literature review advice
Dimitra Stefoudi (IIASL) explaining the legal framework of Climate Change

Juan Carlos Villagran de Leon (UN SPIDER) on the Paris Climate Accord & Sendai Agreement

July 12, 2018: screening of Orphans of Apollo, the best Space Documentary ever, at Filmhuis Lumen in Delft
Erik Laan hosting the screening of Orphans of Apollo at Filmhuis Lumen in Delft, with the presence of Michael Potter and John Morris, both executive directors of respectively Orphans of Apollo, the University and Poet to the Stars (picture by Remco Timmermans)

July 11, 2018: Air Quality Monitoring from Space workshop at Airbus Defence & Space Netherlands in Leiden
In the Pluto room with the ISU SSP18 TP Climate students, listening first to the experts from Airbus DS NL, TNO, SRON and KNMI. Then onto speeddating with them!

Johan de Vries (Airbus DS NL & SSP1991 alumnus) on stage

Bryan de Goeij (TNO & SSP2007 alumnus) explaining some technology basics on Space Instrumentation
Wencke van der Meulen (Airbus DS NL & SSP2002 alumna) putting the business perspective on Air Quality monitoring from Space

Ilse Aben (SRON) in discussion with the TP Climate students during the 'SpeedDate the Expert' activity

Daniel ten Bloemendal (Airbus DS NL & SSP2007 alumnus) and Roland Hooghiemstra (S[&]T) discussing the Air Quality monitoring domain

Johan de Vries (Airbus DS NL & SSP1991 alumnus) painting the future picture of air quality monitoring from Space

Jos Dingjan (Airbus DS NL) in his natural habitat, discussing the physics of space instrumentation

Robert Voors (Airbus DS NL) in the Lunar Hide-away enlighting the students on Air Quality Monitoring

Ronald van de A (KNMI & SSP1993 alumnus) at the Lunar patio explaining multiple scattering and polarisation effects on non-homogeneous particles in planetary atmospheres

Erik Laan is excited about being at Airbus DS NL for the "SpeedDate with the Expert" workshop

July 10, 2018: Expert panel on Challenges and opportunities for Climate Change Adaptation

Expert panel consisting of Alix Roumagnac (Predict Services), Jeannette Heiligers (TU Delft), Michael Potter (Geeks without Frontiers), Jeroen Kluck (TAUW & UvA), Simon Pinnock (ESA) and Juan Carlos de Villegran de Leon (UN-SPIDER)

July 5, 2018: Working session

Client/Advisory board (Johan de Vries (Airbus DS NL), Harry Forster (NSO), Ilse Aben (SRON), Chris Bremmer (Deltares) and Anton Leemhuis (TNO)) meet-up with the students

July 4, 2018: Deltares visit and workshop
TP Students at Deltares. Full resolution here

June 30, 2018: Visit to the Deltawerken
The TP Climate students at Neeltje Jans

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